Lenny GJ van Bussel et al. Spatial sampling of weather data for regional crop yield simulations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 220:101–115, 2016.

Lenny GJ van Bussel et al. Spatial sampling of weather data for regional crop yield simulations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 220:101–115, 2016.


Lenny GJ van Bussel, Frank Ewert, Gang Zhao, Holger Hoffmann, Andreas Enders, Daniel Wallach, Joshua Elliott, James Chryssanthacopoulos, Senthold Asseng, Guillermo A Baigorria, Bruno Basso, Christian Biernath, et al. Spatial sampling of weather data for regional crop yield simulations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 220:101–115, 2016.

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