Cai, Y., W. Brock, and A. Xepapadeas. Climate Change Economics and Heat Transport Across the Globe: Spatial-DSICE. In ASSA Annual Meeting. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2017.
Cai, Y., W. Brock, and A. Xepapadeas. Climate Change Economics and Heat Transport Across the Globe: Spatial-DSICE. In ASSA Annual Meeting. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2017.
Cai, Y., W. Brock, and A. Xepapadeas. 2016. Climate Change Economics and Heat Transport Across the Globe: Spatial-DSICE. In 2017 Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) Annual Meeting, January 6-8, 2017, Chicago, Illinois, 251833. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.