Gerald C. Nelson et al. "Assessing uncertainty along the climate-crop-economy modeling chain." Submitted to PNAS ISI-MIP special issue, January 2013.

Gerald C. Nelson et al. "Assessing uncertainty along the climate-crop-economy modeling chain." Submitted to PNAS ISI-MIP special issue, January 2013.


Nelson Gerald C., Helal Ahammad, Delphine Deryng, Joshua Elliott, Shinichiro Fujimori, Petr Havlik, Edwina Heyhoe, Page Kyle, Martin von Lampe, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Daniel Mason-D'Croz, Hans van Meijl, Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Christoph Muller, Richard Robertson, Ronald D. Sands, Erwin Schmid, Christoph Schmitz, Andrzej Tabeau, Hugo Valin, and Dirk Willenbockel. "Assessing uncertainty along the climate-crop-economy modeling chain." Submitted to PNAS ISI-MIP special issue, January 2013.

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