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Center for Robust Decision making on Climate and Energy Policy
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Working Paper
Joshua Elliott et al. "Impact on US Gasoline Prices of Eliminating Biofuels Production: An Equilibrium Analysis" (2012). RDCEP Working Paper No. 12-05, Argonne National Laboratory, 2011.
Elliott, Joshua, Ian Foster, Samuel Kortum, Gita Khun Jush, Todd Munson, and David Weisbach. "Unilateral Carbon Taxes Border Adjustments and Carbon Leakage" (2012). RDCEP Working Paper No. 12-04.
Joshua Elliott et al. "Predicting Agricultural Impacts of Large-Scale Drought: 2012 and the Case for Better Modeling" (2013). RDCEP Working Paper Series No. 13-01.
Elliott, Joshua, Margaret Loudermilk, Nirupama Rao, Ian Foster, Don Fullerton, & Todd Munson. "Building a Custom Initialization Data Product for a Life-cycle OLG Model." GTAP Working Paper. June 2011.
Michael Glotter et al. "A simple carbon cycle representation for economic & policy analyses." Working Paper 13-04, Center for Robust Decision Making on Climate and Energy Policy, September 2013.
Hansen, Lars Peter. Uncertainty Outside and Inside Economic Models. No. w20394. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2014.
Hertel, Thomas, Jevgenijs Steinbuks, and Uris Baldos. "Competition for Land in the Global Bioeconomy" (September 10, 2012). RDCEP Working Paper No. 12-12.
Lontzek, Thomas S., Yongyang Cai, and Kenneth L. Judd. "Tipping Points in a Dynamic Stochastic IAM (January 18, 2012)." RDCEP Working Paper No. 12-03.
Souganidis, Emmanuel. "A multi-modal analysis of climate-economics." Working Paper 13-03, the Center for Robust Decision Making on Climate and Energy Policy (RDCEP), May 2013.
Steinbuks, Jevgenijs, and Thomas W. Hertel. "The Optimal Allocation of Global Land Use in the Food-Energy-Environment Trilemma" (January 26, 2012). RDCEP Working Paper No. 12-01.
Weisbach David A. "Should environmental taxes be precautionary?" National Tax Journal 65. (2012): 453-474.
Evan Anderson et al. "Robust analytical and computational explorations of coupled economic-climate modelswith carbon-climate response." RDCEP Working Paper No. 14-05, January 2014.
Rob Bailey et al. Extreme weather and resilience of the global food system. Technical report, May 2015. Joshua Elliott, coordinating lead author.
Best, Neil, Joshua Elliott, and Ian Foster. "Synthesis of a Complete Land Use/Land Cover Dataset for the Conterminous United States" (May 4, 2012). RDCEP Working Paper No. 12-08.
William Brock et al. "Energy balance climate models and the spatial structure of optimal mitigation policies."Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Discussion Paper 231 (2012).
William A. Brock et al. "Energy balance climate models and the economics of climate change." The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (2011).
William Brock, Anastasios Xepapadeas, et al. Modeling coupled climate, ecosystems, and economic systems. Technical report, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2015.
Yongyang Cai, Kenneth L Judd, and Thomas S Lontzek. The social cost of carbon with economic and climate risks. Technical report, arXiv preprint, 2015. arXiv:1504.06909.
Y Cai et al. The effect of climate and technological uncertainty in crop yields on the optimal path of global land use. 7009, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, 2014.
Yongyang Cai et al. "The Effect of Climate and Technological Uncertainty in Crop Yields on the Optimal Path of global land use." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 7009 (2014).
Cai, Yongyang, and Kenneth L. Judd. "Dynamic Programming with Hermite Interpolation" (June 19, 2012). RDCEP Working Paper No. 12-09.
Yongyang Cai et al. "DSICE: A Dynamic Stochastic Integrated Model of Climate and Economy" (January 18, 2012). RDCEP Working Paper No. 12-02. Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.
Cai, Yongyang, Kenneth L. Judd, and Thomas S. Lontzek. "Continuous-Time Methods for Integrated Assessment Models" (June 19, 2012). RDCEP Working Paper No. 12-10.
Cai, Yongyang, and Alan Sanstad. "Model uncertainty and energy technology policy: The example of induced technical change." Working Paper 14-01, RDCEP, April 2014.
Delphine Deryng. Climate change impacts on crop productivity in global semi-arid areas and selected semi-arid economies. Working Paper, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 2015.
Joshua Elliott et al. "CIM-EARTH: Community Integrated Model of Economic and Resource Trajectories for Humankind." Mathematics and Computer Science Division Technical Memorandum ANL/MCS-TM-307.
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